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Pushing the boundaries of microscopy for neuroscience

Pushing the boundaries of microscopy for neuroscience

We’re excited to have partnered with Science/AAAS to produce an eBook exploring applications of confocal and multiphoton microscopy in emerging neuroscience research methods.

Included are several research articles advancing microscopy-related methods such as optogenetics, intravital imaging, and more. 

Be it due to scattering in thick brain tissue or the sub-millisecond voltage and calcium dynamics in neurons, neurobiological models can test the performance limits of optical systems. However, new methods such as Image Scanning Microscopy (ISM) are pushing back against these limits.

See our featured application note detailing how the NSPARC ISM detector for the AX / AX R confocal and AX R MP multiphoton microscopes benefit a range of neurobiological imaging applications, from live-cell to deep-tissue observations, by providing improved sensitivity and ~2X better lateral resolution.